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Learn Any Skill Faster and Better
Course Introduction (11:34)
Module One: Choose a Skill and Craft a Project
Introduction to Module One (1:43)
Section 1: Conduct a Skills Audit (6:04)
Section 2: Apply the Skill Identification Frameworks (12:56)
Section 3: Choose a Skill to Learn (5:33)
Section 4: Set a Goal for Your Skill (8:34)
Section 5: Craft a Project (13:15)
Module Two: Design a Learning Method
Introduction to Module Two (1:33)
Section 1. Overview of How to Design a Learning Method (16:04)
Section 2. Identify the Fundamentals of Your Skill (7:58)
Section 3. Deconstructing Your Skill (5:57)
Section 4. Identifying the Best Learning Method for Your Chosen Skill (22:16)
Section 5. Additional Learning Considerations (12:53)
Module Three: Build a Learning System
Introduction to Module Three (1:27)
Section 1. Set Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Goals (5:42)
Section 2. Create a Learning Habit (12:19)
Section 3. Set Up Your Learning Environment (8:50)
Section 4. Track Your Progress and Review Your System (9:52)
Section 5. Hold Yourself Accountable (10:18)
Module Four: Construct a Productivity Plan
Introduction to Module Four
Section 1. Make Time to Learn (14:24)
Section 2. Make Your Learning Time Urgent (9:24)
Section 3. Schedule Your Study Time (7:23)
Section 4. Stop Procrastinating (15:42)
Section 5: Enter Your Brain's Most Productive State (15:26)
Module Five. Chart a Self-Regulation Blueprint
Introduction to Module Five (1:34)
Section 1: Adopt the Learner’s Mindset (19:53)
Section 2: Break Past the Frustration Barrier (24:39)
Section 3. Overcome Perfectionism (18:42)
Section 4: Increase Your Motivation and Commitment (20:00)
Section 5: Grit and Follow Through (15:22)
Module Six: Apply Powerful Learning Techniques
Introduction to Module Six (2:07)
Section 1: How to Extract the Information You Need to Learn (11:40)
Section 2: The Most Effective Learning Technique (According to Science) (9:44)
Section 3: Five More Science-Backed Learning Techniques (13:43)
Section 4: How to Understand Difficult Subjects (17:22)
Sections 5: The Feynman Technique (12:54)
Module Seven: Practice the Right Way
Introduction to Module Seven (1:58)
Section 1: The Best Way to Practice (15:10)
Section 2: How to Structure Your Practice (9:44)
Section 3: Getting Effective Feedback (17:53)
Section 4: The Flow of Practice (14:39)
Section 5: The Zen of Practice (12:48)
Module Eight: Remember What You Learn
Introduction to Module Eight (2:05)
Section 1: How Memory Works (9:54)
Section 2: The Chunking Technique (8:37)
Section 3: An Evidence-Based Technique for Remembering Information (Spaced Repetition) (17:35)
Section 4: How to Build a Memory Palace (12:47)
Section 5: Using Mnemonics to Improve Your Memory (6:48)
Module Nine: Take Your Learning Up a Notch
Introduction to Module Nine (1:38)
Section 1: How to Develop Insight (14:38)
Section 2: The Interleaving Effect (9:20)
Section 3: Using Visualization to Learn Better (8:34)
Section 4: See the Big Picture (16:08)
Section 5: How to Keep Learning How to Learn (18:34)
Module Ten. Achieve Mastery
Introduction to Module Ten (1:38)
Section 1: The Keys to Mastery (18:33)
Section 2: Levelling Up With Projects (9:48)
Section 3: Overcoming Plateaus (7:07)
Section 4: Staying Sharp (16:06)
Section 5: Identifying Your Life’s Skillset (11:53)
Section 4. Track Your Progress and Review Your System
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